Rainy Day

The Life and Times of a Weimaraner


A photo challenge that is relevant to this blog: An update if you will

Beauty through Photographs

I titled this picture Thankful  for several reasons. The look of relief on my sweet girls face as she just absorbs my mothers love is so beautiful and I am so thankful for that as she is thankful to be home. I also am so Thankful that there is a Veterinarian that so confidently addressed the problem in my Rainy’s jaw and had the amazing skills as a surgeon to see the problem removed. I am especially THANKFUL that after a long couple of nights and a terribly distressing day yesterday we are starting to see that spark come back into her eyes. If we can only get her to eat so I can get her medication into her….I would be really thankful for that….but for now I am content as I look over and see her sleeping comfortably for the first time in days on my bed…

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